The ADAs were created in 2023 - originally an idea of the ADU (Germany) the awards were implemented in cooperation with the associations from the UK (ADG), Italy (AIARSE), France (AFAR) and Switzerland (SSFV). 

The awards are since then presented annually in spring with a constantly growing team of associations/guilds.

Who will be awarded?
AD-teams in the categories: feature film (theatrical, streaming, TV-movie) and series.
In both categories 3 prizes will be awarded – gold, silver and bronze.

How does the nominiation process work?
Within the association of each country 3 projects per category can be nominated per member.
 The nomination process is done via an online portal, where every member of the associations can register and enter his or her nominations. In doing so, each member also indicates which association he or she belongs to. 
Submissions are awarded points, the number of points determines which films/series are put forward for election. 

Gold: 5 point / Silver: 3 points / Bronze: 1 point

From all submitted nominations, 3 projects per category will go forward to the international ballot. Each associations checks whether votes have been cast more than once and whether all submissions have really been made by members.

How does the voting process work?
Once all countries have submitted their 3 nominated projects, all nominations are sent to the ballot. The nominated AD teams are asked to fill out a questionnaire to submit some background information on their project. Based on that information all members of the associations can now choose 3 winning teams (gold, silver, bronze) per category from all nominees up for election. 

What is the „award“?
The winning teams will recieve a certificate and a trophy. 

Afterwards, the teams are also invited to a public Q&A zoom call and are asked to be a guest on an episode of the "Meet the ADs" podcast to talk about their project, careers and achievements.

Important dates:
• Nomination process: March
• Voting process: April
• Ceremony: May